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Last week we took the exciting step in to the world of online live cookery demonstrations. Alison & Robbie demonstrated how to make Elderflower Champagne and Summery Duck Salad.
We had a few teething problems but overall we think the result was pretty good for a first shot, and a first time on camera for both Alison & Robbie. We really couldn’t have hoped that over 2.5k people would have watched our very first episode after less than a week!
Our next live stream will start at 12:30 on Wednesday the 11th July and then they’ll go every 2 weeks On Wednesday lunch time until September. We are still taking requests the dish or dishes that we will demonstrate. If you are particularly excited to hear about a dish or have an ingredient you don’t know what to do with, let us know on social media!
Because we are new to the world of online streaming we would LOVE some feedback and practical criticism of our first ever offering! Over the coming weeks and months, we will be offering more and more each week in terms of production quality and maybe even some guests appearances down the line.
Anyway, I hope that you’ve enjoyed me rabbiting on in text format through this blog and now you’ll get to hear my terrible little introduction before you can listen to Alison & Robbie demonstrate two incredibly delicious summer classics.
Thanks again,
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